Website improvements 1/15/12
Website is has been reworked yet agian this time the coding behind the scenes is perfect there should be no graphical bugs due to code anymore.
Version 1.1 Released 1/14/12
Version 1.1 is now out. The server is updating right at this exact second so we will be on the newest version soon. So go ahead and update your minecraft. There are a few bugs that we know about, but if you find one post it in this thread.
Texture Pack of the Month 1/6/12
Are you looking for that perfect texture pack? Well then we have a new 16x pack that also has 32x pack if your more of a HD person. The pack is called Xaiwaker and is made by Xaivern. Want to take a tour of minecraft with this new look download it here. Or you can take a closer look at the hd pack here. Want to see the thread about this pack go to.
Finally off bukkit dev 12/19/11
We have finally updated all the plugins and the server onto the newest recommended version of bukkit. This fixed several bugs including the; gate signs, the showcase stores.
Texture Pack of the Month 12/3/11
Are you looking for that perfect texture pack? Good news gerudoku has been revised to 1.0.0. This amazing texture is a hybrid of Dokucraft but better. Want to check out click here. Don't want to watch then click here to download here. click here to go the texture pack of the month thread
Old World 11/28/11
The old world is open so go an claim your items from your old homes and move them into the new world. The world will close in
Old World 11/28/11
Since we are having difficulty with our multi-world plugin we will give out the world file so that everyone can play it on single player. Download the virus free world here enjoy.
Server on 1.0.0 11/23/11
Our server is finally out for 1.0.0 please be wait we are still working on all the plugins and we will have the old world open for a week for you to claim your items as soon as we get the portal made we will announce it
1.0.0 is out 11/18/11
1.0.0 is finally out make sure to back up 1.8 so you can play on the server. We will be on 1.0.0 as soon as bukkit makes the newest version.
New map 11/6/11
As many of you know the old map has decided to quit working and despite our best efforts to restore it just refuses to work. Therefore we have a new map so claim some land before its all gone.
Minecraft issues 10/21/11
If you are having issues connecting to the server we believe that the issue is based only on minecrafts servers not our own.
Server issues 10/10/11
So we finally figured out why the server has been crashing every day. We are now working with our hosting people to fix it.
Server issues 10/4/11
Sorry about that Burylwood had a hiccup or two. We are working as fast as possible to fix everything and get the server back to normal.
Whitelist no more 10/2/11
The server no longer has a white list so grab your friends and tell them to play with you. We know that there are some bugs but we are cleaning them up as fast as we can.
Bukkit is back 9/26/11
The server is running on bukkit with the plugins agian come and play.
Forums mobilized 9/26/11
The forums will now work on your mobile device.
1.9 pre-release 9/22/11
Mojang has released 1.9 for pre testing you can download it here. See what this update includes here.
Running on 1.8 9/15/11
We now have the minecraft server running on 1.8 so get you update and grab your pickaxes
1.8 pre-release 9/9/11
Mojang has release the second version on 1.8 pre-release you can download it here. For infomation on what changed check that out here.
New forum 8/21/11
We now have a working forum thanks to Check out the forums and hang out.
New website 8/19/11
Welcome to the new Burlywood minecraft server website. This is still a work in progress. If a link is not working fear not it will be fixed.
Top | Burlywood 2011 | Michael Tech 2010-2011
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